Age of Empires 1 HD
The first time I fell in love with a computer game (computer specifically, not video game) was age of empires. I remember in the fifth grade the class comput...
The first time I fell in love with a computer game (computer specifically, not video game) was age of empires. I remember in the fifth grade the class comput...
ADLAB is dead, long live ADLAB. Initially I wanted a single use tool that would on its own deploy new VMs and then perform configurations upon them. The i...
In the start of 2020 I had the brilliant idea of creating my own vulnhub machine. Born out of frustration with the OSCP labs lacking a whole suite of techniq...
Games are games and learning is learning. I found out in the second fucking grade that never shall the two meet, because the quality of both declines. The c...
There are, according to wikipedia, over 50 different yugioh games out there. Yet not a single one has a dedicated mode for GOAT format.